Tuesday 9 February 2010

Week One: Coffee & Cigarettes

Coffee and Cigarettes is series of eleven black and white shorts directed by Jim Jarmusch.
I found the film to be hit and miss. Too many of the segments just didn't hold my attention and really started to grate on me. For example the 'Renee' short, where a women is sat in a cafe reading a gun magazine and playing with her coffee whilst a waiter continuously asks her if he can get her anything was pretty tedious. And as much as I dig them, The White Stripes chemistry together seems to be completley exclusive to music, with a special mention going to Meg for woodenness.
However it wasn't all bad. Its always good to see Tom Waits anywhere and I really enjoyed seeing him and Iggy Pop sharing awkward moments, particularly when Iggy mentions he knows an industrial drummer with a "hard, banging sound" he should check out to which Tom takes some personal offence too.
Special mention also to the scene involving RZA and GZA from The Wu-Tang Clan and Bill Murray. Bill Murray basically owns everything he is involved in and this was no different.
I liked the style of the film too and really feel that had it been shot in colour it would have lost a large degree of atmosphere. It was also a nice touch to have recurring themes cropping up over the otherwise completeley unrelated shorts, such as Nikola Tesla's Tesla Coil and the observation that "Coffee and cigarettes dont make for a healthy meal".
Overall I personally feel that the good outweighed the bad in this uneven but interesting film.

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