Monday 8 March 2010

Dogtown and Z-Boys

Dogtown and Z-Boys is a documentary about the history of skateboarding directed by Stacy Peralta and narrated by Sean Penn.
I had seen this film a few times before not long after it was released and really enjoyed it so I was happy to see it again. I found it really intersting to see the organic beginnings of skateboarding and its progression into the huge industry it has become today. It also interested me to see the different paths the individual skateboarders took as the money and sponsorship entered the picture. I found it particularly poignant to hear the story of Jay Adams. Alot of my friends are heavily into skateboarding and they all speak very highly of Jay's influence so it was sad to see the man regarded as the most talented of his generation (as his contemporarys concured) struggle with drugs and similar other problems as others around him rode the wave of the vast expanding industry and made a lot of money for themselves. The documentary also contains some brilliant old footage and photography and is well worth a watch weather you are interested in skateboarding or not.

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